Coronavirus: What Do We DO?

Hello everyone,

I’m sure you all have heard more than you ever wanted to about the ever-growing Coronavirus. It’s causing a lot of anxiety for so much of the world. There are the posts about the daily growing numbers of it in a doomsday- like tone, and then there are posts mitigating it. And then there are those memes floating around where people want to make sure the world knows they washed their hands even before the virus sprang up.

I have found none of these things helpful.

So after doing some research from my biomed days, acknowledging this is a stressful time for many, and praying to the Lord about my own anxieties, I want to pass along some main points that might be worth considering: At the end of the day the Coronavirus is a VIRUS. Like the flu. Like other viruses that we have been in contact with our entire lives. This one is nasty, like a nasty flu, but it is not a new substance sent from another planet coming to intentionally hunt you down. We might need to accept that this virus exists and will be spreading. Look at the flu-it affects MILLIONS of people every year and has for a long time. Acknowledging this reality might actually reduce stress because we will no longer be surprised, unprepared and vulnerable to our fight-or flight response for a surprising threat (even though it’s no surprise).

So given this, proactively, WHAT CAN WE DO?

We have a POWERFUL immune system, y’all. It needs the right fuel to work 100%. What is that fuel? Not limited to, but including:

  • VITAMIN C-I know we have vitamins and supplements, but I want it straight from a real source for my body to process. I’m now eating one orange per day, and/or one cup of Tropicana orange juice.
  • Vitamin D-Some studies have found that lack of Vitamin D was found in more ill people (including the flu). Our body makes it when we soak up the sun! It is also in: Orange Juice, egg yolks, fatty fish (salmon, tuna), soy milk, and cheese.
  • Amino Acids-Especially glutamine, for the production of T-Cells in our immune system. There are 2 types of T-Cells: CD4 T-Cells that ring the alarm to the immune system, and Killer T-Cells, aka CD8 T-Cells, which are like the snipers of our immune system that can go directly to a virus-infected cell and get rid of it before it spreads to other cells. So they are important. Foods with glutamine include: meat, seafood, milk, nuts, cabbage, beans, and eggs.
  • Vitamin B6-It helps the production of white blood cells in the immune system, as well as a protein called interleukin-2 that facilitates along the immune response. It is in: pork, poultry, fish, some breads, wholegrain cereals, eggs, and vegetables.

I’ve been buying foods with these ingredients and taking my multivitamin every day to prepare my immune system, get it amped up, and to give it the fuel it needs to fight up any exposure my cells get to the virus (and all viruses for that matter). In addition, here a few other helpful tips:

  • Wash your hands. Before you eat, after you go to the bathroom, and honestly, I’d recommend anytime you enter a new location or touch commonly used items (like public doors). Carrying around hand sanitizer for this also is important. General rule of thumb is: 20 seconds, with running water, and creating friction with your hands with the soap to knock off any virus or bacteria.
  • Disinfect commonly used items at work and home. Buy some disinfectant wipes.
  • Avoid large crowds if you can-especially in vulnerable areas. The more people, the more coughing and sneezing and breathing you will be exposed to that might transmit that virus.
  • DE-STRESS. Stress lowers our immune system. Our world is stressed right now. Get some exercise, soak up some sun, breathe some fresh air, find a relaxing activity to put into daily practice. It’s not just to feel better-it physiologically WILL keep you healthier. Please see my “Physiology of Stress” post. Also, my post here talks about tangible ways to de-stress.
  • Remember your faith and where your hope is at. As a Christian, praying to the Lord reminded me where my hope is, and where my heart is at. I hope I don’t get the coronavirus, but if I do, I’m not destined to die. Not by a longshot. And if I’m in the small percentage that does, my hope is not in this world. If I get sick, my hope is not in my health. What if we put as much effort into our souls as we do our physical health and livelihood? My soul and eternal destination is much more important to me.

For those of us who are Christians, I hope we remember our eternal hope. Philippians 4:7 states “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” What if at this point of crisis in our world, we demonstrated this peace that surpasses all understanding? If we can be ambassadors for the truth we profess to believe, that Jesus Christ has come to save our souls, if we choose to believe, for eternal life with Him in joy? What if we can extend the peace, joy, love, and compassion this world sorely needs right now? And what if this is our moment to be lights that point to God, when the world doesn’t know what to do?

2 comments on “Coronavirus: What Do We DO?

  1. I’m so tired of it all! I wish it would just end! Its all so depressing!


  2. […] your immune system, keeping six feet away, washing your hands, cleaning your household. Click here for starting […]


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